Price of Indoor Playground equipment in Saudi Arabia

Indoor playgrounds have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in countries like Saudi Arabia where extreme heat during the summer months can make outdoor play difficult. Indoor playgrounds provide a safe and fun environment for children to play, climb, and explore, while also providing a space for parents to relax and socialize.

One of the most significant factors that contribute to the cost of indoor playground equipment in Saudi Arabia is the quality and materials used. High-quality equipment made with durable and long-lasting materials will be more expensive than equipment made with cheaper materials.

Space themes indoor soft play ground

Another factor that can impact the price of indoor playground equipment is the design and customization of the equipment. If you want a unique and customized design for your playground, the cost will likely be higher than if you choose pre-made equipment.

Furthermore, the size of the playground will also impact the overall cost. Larger playgrounds with more equipment will be more expensive than smaller playgrounds with fewer pieces of equipment.

When it comes to the cost of indoor playground equipment in Saudi Arabia, it is important to consider the long-term benefits. Investing in high-quality equipment may be more expensive upfront, but it can save you money in the long run by reducing maintenance and repair costs.

Additionally, high-quality equipment can attract more customers and lead to increased revenue for the business. Parents are more likely to choose an indoor playground that is clean, safe, and well-equipped with high-quality equipment.

So, what are the typical prices for indoor playground equipment in Saudi Arabia? Here is a breakdown of the average costs for different types of equipment:

Forest theme indoor playground

Soft Play Equipment

Soft play equipment is made from foam and covered in soft, colorful fabric. It is designed for younger children and provides a safe and comfortable environment for them to play and explore. Soft play equipment is typically less expensive than other types of equipment and ranges from 2,000 SAR to 10,000 SAR depending on the size and complexity of the design.


Trampolines are a popular attraction in indoor playgrounds and come in a range of sizes and styles. The cost of a trampoline can vary depending on the size, shape, and quality of the materials used. A standard-sized trampoline can cost between 3,000 SAR to 15,000 SAR, while a larger trampoline with additional features such as a foam pit can cost up to 50,000 SAR.


Slides are another popular attraction in indoor playgrounds and come in a variety of sizes and styles. The cost of a slide depends on the size and material used. A basic slide can cost around 3,000 SAR, while a larger slide with added features such as twists and turns can cost up to 30,000 SAR.

Climbing Walls

Climbing walls are a challenging and exciting addition to any indoor playground. The cost of a climbing wall depends on the size and materials used. A basic climbing wall can cost around 5,000 SAR, while a larger climbing wall with additional features such as automatic belay systems can cost up to 50,000 SAR.

Ball Pits

Ball pits are a classic attraction in indoor playgrounds and provide hours of fun for children. The cost of a ball pit depends on the size and materials used. A basic ball pit can cost around 2,000 SAR, while a larger ball pit with additional features such as slides and tunnels can cost up to 30,000 SAR.

In conclusion, the cost of indoor playground equipment in Saudi Arabia can vary greatly depending on the type, quality, and size of the equipment. While investing in high-quality equipment may be more expensive upfront, it can lead to increased revenue and lower maintenance costs in the long run. It is important to consider the benefits and long-term value of high-quality equipment when making a purchase for an indoor playground.